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Honey is a fabulously natural, healthy ingredient. Here are some of our favourite recipes:

Raspberry and honey salad dressing

Equal parts of walnut oil and raspberry vinegar, a teaspoon of Dijon mustard and a tablespoon of honey. Shake well, add salt and pepper to taste and serve. Particularly good with chicken livers or hot bacon on a bed of salad leaves.


Toast some bread, cut to your desired shape, top with soft goats cheese, place under grill until slightly melting, drizzle with honey and serve

Glazed carrots

Sweeten up your cooked carrots with a splash of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey.

Honeyed Bacon Benedict

Spread, layers of thick bacon on a lined baking sheet and drizzle with honey. Cook for 10 minutes, turn over and cook for another 10 minutes.  Cut each slice in half and leave to cool. Place the bacon halves over half a buttered English muffin or roll. Gently break an egg over the muffin and bacon slices, add salt and pepper and bake for 12-15 minutes or until the eggs are as you like them. Top with warm hollandaise sauce and garnish with paprika and fresh herbs. Add salad leaves to the side and drizzle with honey. If you want to make mini versions for aperos, use quail eggs. Delicious!


You will find a comprehensive list of online and international, regional and organic suppliers of food and drink throughout Gironde, Dordogne, Lot et Garonne, Lot, Gers, Tarn et Garonne and north Haute Garonne in our business directory pages under Food and Drink.

Images: Shutterstock

First published in July/August issue of The Local Buzz



Fabulous Things
