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Showcasing the best of their own Permaculture, farm produce and fresh, locally sourced ingredients and foraged treasures, Vanessa and Vincent Bonnin offer stunning food at La Closerie de la Beyne restaurant and gites in Naussannes, Dordogne.

With experience in multiple Michelin-starred establishments around the world, Chef Vincent creates Mediterranean style dishes that combine flair with flavour. His menu, which changes weekly, has a seasonal and organic focus that perfectly marries home-grown produce with his international influences.

Here is the French translation of his Pork Loin with Ginger and Soy Sauce

Vincent Bonnin

Mignon de Porc au Gingembre et Sauce Soja, Croustillant de Pomme de Terre, Salade de Chou Chinois, Carotte et Sesame

(6 personnes)

– 3 filets mignon de porc

– 4 larges pommes de terre

– 4 carottes

– 1 navet long

– 1 chou chinois

– 1 morceau de 50 gr de gingembre et un de 25 gr

– 4 gousses d’ail

– 1 piment fort

– 1 onion nouveau

– 1/2 botte de coriandre

– 6 cuillères a soupe de sauce soja

– 3 cuillères a soupe de sauce poisson asiatique

– 1 jus de citron vert

– 1 cuillère a soupe de graines de sesame torréfies

– 2 cuillères a soupe de huile de sesame torréfie

– 1 cuillère a soupe de cacahuète grillée et écrasée

Preparer les fillets de porc en retirant les membranes et dégraisser au maximum.

Les mettre a mariner (2 a 3 heures minimum) avec la sauce soja, 2 cuillère sauce poisson,

1 cuillère d’huile de sesame, 50 gr de gingembre finement rape et les gousses d’ail écrasées.

Preparer la galette de pomme de terre en les épluchant. Les raper sans les laver, ajoute sel et poivre. Chauffer une poêle, verser un peu d’huile de colza et repartir les pomme de terre râpée. Aplatir a la cuillère et laisser cuire a feu moyen. Retourner après avoir une belle coloration et laisser cuire le deuxième cote. Garder a chaud.

Pour la salade, couper en julienne les carottes, le navet, le chou, le piment, l’onion et le reste du gingembre. Mélanger les ingredients, assaisonner avec le reste de l’huile de sesame, la sauce poisson, le jus de citron vert.

Mettre une poêle a chauffer, retirer les fillets de porc de la marinade et les saisir. Arroser les fillets avec la marinade tout au long de la cuisson. Laisser reposer dix minutes au chaud.

Pendant ce temps, finir la salade en incorporant la coriandre hachee et les gaines de sesame.

Portionnaire la galette de pomme de terre puis trancher les fillets.

Dresser sur assiette et parsemer de cacahuete et de coriandre.


Pork loin with ginger and soy sauce, potato rosti, salad of Chinese cabbage, carrot and sesame (serves six)

– 3 pork tenderloins

– 4 large potatoes

– 4 carrots

– 1 long turnip

– 1 Chinese cabbage

– 1 1/2 thumb sized pieces of fresh ginger

– 4 cloves of garlic

– 1 hot chilli

1 spring onion

– 1/2 bunch of coriander

– 6 tablespoons of Soy sauce

– 3 tablespoons of Asian fish sauce

– Juice of 1 lime

– 1 table spoon of roasted sesame seeds

– 2 tablespoons of toasted sesame oil

– 1 tablespoon of roasted and crushed peanuts

Prepare the pork fillets by removing the membranes and fat as much as possible.

Marinate the fillets (2 to 3 hours minimum) with the soy sauce, 2 tbsps fish sauce, 1 tbsp

sesame oil, a thumb size piece of finely grated ginger and the crushed garlic cloves.

Prepare the potato cake by peeling the potatoes. Grate them without washing them, add

salt and pepper. Heat a frying pan, pour in a little rapeseed oil and spread the grated

potatoes. Flatten with a spoon and cook over medium heat. Turn over when the potatoes

are nicely browned and cook the second side. Keep warm.

For the salad, julienne the carrots, turnip, cabbage, chilli, onion and remaining ginger. Mix

the ingredients, season with 1 tbsp of sesame oil, 1 tbsp of fish sauce and lime juice.

Heat a pan, remove the pork fillets from the marinade and sear them. Baste the fillets with

the marinade throughout the cooking process. Leave to rest for ten minutes in a warm


Meanwhile, finish the salad by stirring in the chopped coriander and sesame seeds.

Portion the potato cake and slice the pork fillets.

Arrange on a plate and sprinkle with peanuts and coriander.


You can find this recipe online in French along with this fabulous Vanilla Panna Cotta with Strawberries

First published in the May/June 2022 issue of The Local Buzz.


Images:  La Closerie de la Beyne


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