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squash soup and walnut panna cotta

Squash Soup and Walnut Panna Cotta 


Two delicious recipes sent to us by Walnut Bistro

Butternut Squash Soup with Dehydrated mushrooms and Curry Leaf Oil

The Soup (Serves 10)

3 Butternut squash, cubed

3 White onions, sliced

650ml Coconut milk

330ml Water

30g Ginger, grated

3 Cloves garlic, peeled and chopped

160ml White wine


Dehydrated mushrooms

Coconut cream


Sauté the onions and garlic until soft and fragrant.  Deglaze the pan with white wine, reduce, season with salt and pepper.  Add the squash, coconut milk, ginger and water, cook until soft.  Blend until smooth.  For that silky texture pass the mixture through a sieve.  Pour soup into bowls and drizzle with curry oil and coconut cream.  Garnish.

Curry Leaf oil

150ml Sunflower oil

10 Curry leaves

1cm Slice of ginger

1 tsp Fenugreek

1 tsp Coriander seeds

1 tsp Turmeric

1 tsp Mustard Seeds

Heat olive oil to 55°C in a pot, add the ingredients and leave to infuse for two hours.  Sieve thoroughly, leave to cool.

Dehydrated mushrooms

Slice the mushrooms thinly, place on a hatched metal rack in a 70°C convection oven, and leave until dry in texture.

squash soup and walnut panna cotta

Walnut Panna Cotta with Candied Walnuts and Walnut Liqueur Sauce

Serves 10

750ml Full Fat Milk

750ml Cream

2 Vanilla beans, deseeded

5 Gelatine leaves

200g Caster sugar

200g Ground toasted walnuts

Grease moulds with vegetable oil, place in freezer.  Soak gelatine in warm water until soft.  Place the cream, milk, ground walnuts and vanilla seeds in a pot and heat to 80°C.  Stir in the gelatine and sugar until dissolved.  Place a metal bowl over ice cubes and strain into the bowl, stirring continuously to a sauce consistency.  Pour the mixture into the moulds, refrigerate for 24 hours.  To serve, turn out onto plates, dress with candied walnuts and a drizzle of walnut liqueur sauce.

Candied Walnuts

500g Walnuts

400g Sugar

300ml Water

Bring the water to a boil, add the sugar until dissolved, add whole walnuts and keep on a very low simmer for three hours.  Strain through a sieve, making sure you keep the liquid for the sauce.  Place in a very low oven overnight.

Walnut Liqueur Sauce

200ml Walnut Sugar syrup

100ml Walnut liqueur

Boil the walnut sugar syrup and add the liqueur.  Leave to cool.


With family gatherings in mind, and serving 10, you can find Will’s recipe for Pan-cooked Foie Gras with Apple Mustard Slaw and Apple Purée in the Guest Chef section of our online articles 

squash soup and walnut panna cotta

First published in the November/December 2019 issue of The Local Buzz 

Images:  The Walnut Bistro


