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We bring you the official WASPI update from mid October, 2019.  It explains how WASPI fight on.

The recent decision in the HIgh Courts regarding the Judicial Review on the change to women’s State Pension Age was a great disappointment to all 1950’s born women both in the UK and Overseas.  Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI) did not bring forward this case and have made it clear that they will continue to campaign for justice to correct the serious financial hardship these women have suffered.

People need time to adjust to any change in the expected date of their State Pension.  WASPI women were not afforded that time.  Successive governments have failed to adequately inform these women of the changes leaving many less than one year to prepare for a six year delay.

WASPI is calling on the Government, rather than the court to ensure fair transitional arrangements for the 3.8m women affected.


WASPI fight on
WASPI fight on

WASPI decided to pursue a different route to gain justice to that of the Back to 60 Group as the Judicial Review did not cover the Maladministration case which is at the heart of the WASPI campaign.  WASPI will continue to pursue their case with the Dept for Work & Pensions and the Parliamentary & Health Ombudsman.  Both these organisations will be looking at the court’s decision and taking advice on when and how to proceed. 

WASPI has the support of a large number of cross party MP’s and have been heartened by the large number of messages received since the Court’s decision. 

WASPI women are not going away and will continue to fight for justice for all 1950’s women.  WASPI Fight On.  To join the WASPI International campaign please go to Facebook : waspi international (ex pat 1950s ladies fighting state pension changes)



WASPI fight on

Some of the MPs that came to pledge their support for the WASPI campaign at Westminster and to help all 1950s born women

WASPI Fight On images: WASPI


